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'The Hungry Caterpillar' is a speciality library of picture books exclusively for kids up to 8 years.

Every book in the catalog is mom-picked and caters to the child's interest level as well as developmental need. We have a diverse selection with brightly illustrated picture books with sing along, silly, funny and heartwarming stories.

Some books provide an avenue to talk about important things in life like sharing, acceptance, diversity, choices. The right message wrapped in a wonderful story and illustration is exactly what we need.

To make your selection easy, our books are categorised with respect to their appeal and core message, i.e. themes. We have a great selection to practice phonics for early readers with Oxford Reading Tree (ORT), Dr.Seuss, Usborne and Pete the Cat. Along with the literary aspects, we also focus on problem solving approaches and creativity.

Let's raise a reader for life!
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